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6 minutes on foot to Hanshin Namba Line "Chidoribashi" Station


A lively life linked with joy. One major commercial zone, “Osaka Dome City,” centered around Kyocera Dome. The gateway to Minami, “Namba,” where various train lines converge. From a city that links various urban functions powerfully, a vibrant life begins.

Location 2-23-4 Shikandajima, Konohana-ku, Osaka City (Residential Address)
Transportation 6 minutes on foot to Hanshin Namba Line "Chidoribashi" Station
Area/District (日本) 都市計画区域内、市街化区域、第一種住居地域、準防火地域、下水道処理区域内
The Classification of land Residential Land
The building-to-house ratio 59.48%
Floor area ratio 298.18%
Lot area Registered Record Area: 140.46 m² Sale Target Area, Measured Area, Building Confirmation Target Area: 140.53m²
Building area 83.58m²
Building gross floor area 530.62 (Volume Target Area 419.02 m²)m²
Structure/Scale Reinforced Concrete Construction - 7 Floors Above Ground
Total units 12Units
Selling units 12Units
Building certification number (日本) 第NK21-0241号(令和3年6月25日)
Other (日本) 検査済証番号 第NK21-0241号(令和4年3月18日)
Driveway burden "None"
Layout 1LDK
Dwelling footprint 33.59㎡
Balcony area 3.71㎡
Parking "None"
Motor cycle storage "None"
Mini Motor cycle storage 2 vehicles
Bicycle storage 12 units (Rack Type)
Right form after selling lots Common areas and facilities of the land and building are shared based on the ownership share of exclusive area, while building-exclusive areas are individually owned 属施設は専有面積持分比率による共有、建物専有部分は区分所有
Management form Establish an association of all individual owners and entrust the management to a management agent through the association
Completion March 18, 2022
Moving in March 29, 2022
Seller Nissei Advance
Design/Supervision Uenishi Architectural Design Office
Execution Yuhara Co., Ltd.
Management company Global Community Co., Ltd.
Access to drawing and specification Electrical Room of "Advance Osaka BAYCARUM"