We welcome opinions and complaints about Nissei Advance. We will strive to utilize the opinions we receive in improving our operations and developing services in the future.
Please contact us using the email form below.
Recently, we have received reports from multiple customers that they have received phone calls that use our company's name, criticize or slander our company, and make customers feel uneasy. If you have any trouble with such calls, or if you have any other inquiries/complaints/consultations regarding personal information, please contact the Compliance Promotion Office.
Our company has established a Compliance Promotion Office in order to strengthen and promote the compliance system throughout our group with the aim of improving customer satisfaction.
Additionally, in order to establish organizational neutrality, the Compliance Promotion Office is an organization that does not belong to any department and reports directly to the representative director.
We will monitor, confirm, and provide guidance to all Group employees to ensure that they comply with laws, regulations, and social norms, and act in a fair and honest manner.