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Advance Uemachidai Plaisir

Subway Tanimachi Line "Shitennoji before sunset months hill" Station 5-minute walk, subway Tanimachi Line, Sennichimae Line "tanimachi kyuchome" Station 7-minute walk

Living environment in which the contrast of mature cities and ancient natural beauty is, the synchro.

The rest is natural beauty, scenic district, Yuhigaoka.

The three-way neighborhood, mature city spreads. From the hustle and bustle, quiet. From Roman, mature.

The transition of scenery also said that the new and old of intense contrast even now old and does not change also,

Setting sun shining in the beautifully madder red is, me relieve.


Tennoji-Abeno, good position for the day-to-day living area Namba.

Convenience stand out and position to the nearest station is 5-wire 3-station and within a 10-minute walk away. To the bustling big Terminal “Tennoji” station, it is the convenience of one-minute person station from “Shitennoji before Yuhigaoka” station is a 5-minute walk. In addition, Osaka 2 one of the large downtown, 3 minutes to the south, “Higashi Umeda” a 12-minute direct even to the station. This is the access that covers all major urban center in speedy.


While feeling the ancient Roman, pleasure and free convenience and maturation of the city.

Prince Shotoku Yukari of Shitennoji and Teramachi of old temples, such as taste full of Tennoji seven hill stories the history and venerable of this city, and invite you to eternal romance. In addition, Tennoji-ku, with a focus on Yuhigaoka broad educational institutions have been integrated. In addition, the south entrance of Osaka, Tennoji-Abeno nationwide height Japan of the building that is of interest “Abenobashi Terminal Building” joined in, has also increased expectations for booming.

Name Advance Uemachidai Plaisir
Location Osaka Tennoji-ku Ikutamatera cho 1-18
Transportation Subway Tanimachi Line "Shitennoji before sunset months hill" Station 5-minute walk, subway Tanimachi Line, Sennichimae Line "tanimachi kyuchome" Station 7-minute walk
Area/District (日本) 第2種住居地域、商業地域、防火地域、準防火地域、市街化区域
The Classification of land Residential land
The building-to-house ratio 51.28%
Floor area ratio 408.58%
Lot area 350.44m²
Building area 178.94m²
Building gross floor area 1,853.37m²
Structure/Scale Reinforced concrete construction, 13 floors from the ground
Total units 60Units
Selling units 60Units
Building certification number 第H25確認建築防大04497号 第H26確更建築防大00278号
Driveway burden None
Layout 1K
Dwelling footprint 21.68m2〜26.15m2
Balcony area 3.87m2〜4.27m2
Parking 2 units (surface type)
Motor cycle storage 2 units
Mini Motor cycle storage 6 units
Bicycle storage 31 units (flat style), 29 units (slide rack style)
Right form after selling lots Lot is shared by footprint stake ratio, Building is sectional ownership.
Management form The building site is owned jointly according to the shared ownership percentage of the exclusively-owned area, while the ownership of the building is based on individual condominium unit.
Completion August 2015 early
Moving in August 2015 late
Seller Nissei Advance
Design/Supervision Prime Design inc.
Execution (日本) 廣瀬建設株式会社
Management company Global community Inc. / Advanced Management Inc.
Access to drawing and specification Advance Uemachidai Plaisir