Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv
Subway Karasuma Line "Kuramaguchi" Station 3-minute walk
Subway Karasuma Line "Kuramaguchi" Station 3-minute walk
Name | Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv |
Location | (日本) 京都市上京区上御霊前通室町西入玄蕃町26番地(住居表示) |
Transportation | Subway Karasuma Line "Kuramaguchi" Station 3-minute walk |
Area/District | (日本) 第一種住居地域/準防火地域/西陣特別工業地区 15m第2種高度地区 道路斜線制限/隣地斜線制限/日影規制景観法/近畿圏整備法 |
The Classification of land | Residential land |
The building-to-house ratio | 60% |
Floor area ratio | 200% |
Lot area | 358.01m² |
Building area | 214.65m² |
Building gross floor area | 739.41m² |
Structure/Scale | Reinforced concrete construction, 4 floors from the ground |
Total units | 22Units |
Selling units | 22Units |
Building certification number | No. H22IPEC00722 (August 17, 2010) |
Driveway burden | None |
Layout | 1K |
Dwelling footprint | 26.00m2~27.54m2 |
Balcony area | 2.80m2~4.60m2 |
Parking | 3 |
Motor cycle storage | 2 |
Mini Motor cycle storage | 1 |
Bicycle storage | 22 |
Right form after selling lots | Proprietary parts: classification ownership, common areas: share of classification floor area of proprietary part of the owner all (Kabeshin area) ownership by percentage |
Management form | The building site is owned jointly according to the shared ownership percentage of the exclusively-owned area, while the ownership of the building is based on individual condominium unit. |
Completion | March 2011 early |
Moving in | March 2011 mid |
Seller | Nissei Advance |
Design/Supervision | (日本) 翔設計工房一級建築士事務所 |
Execution | Sugimoto builders |
Management company | Global community Inc. |
Access to drawing and specification | Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv |