ESTATEEstate List

Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv

Subway Karasuma Line "Kuramaguchi" Station 3-minute walk

Name Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv
Location (日本) 京都市上京区上御霊前通室町西入玄蕃町26番地(住居表示)
Transportation Subway Karasuma Line "Kuramaguchi" Station 3-minute walk
Area/District (日本) 第一種住居地域/準防火地域/西陣特別工業地区 15m第2種高度地区 道路斜線制限/隣地斜線制限/日影規制景観法/近畿圏整備法
The Classification of land Residential land
The building-to-house ratio 60%
Floor area ratio 200%
Lot area 358.01m²
Building area 214.65m²
Building gross floor area 739.41m²
Structure/Scale Reinforced concrete construction, 4 floors from the ground
Total units 22Units
Selling units 22Units
Building certification number No. H22IPEC00722 (August 17, 2010)
Driveway burden None
Layout 1K
Dwelling footprint 26.00m2~27.54m2
Balcony area 2.80m2~4.60m2
Parking 3
Motor cycle storage 2
Mini Motor cycle storage 1
Bicycle storage 22
Right form after selling lots Proprietary parts: classification ownership, common areas: share of classification floor area of proprietary part of the owner all (Kabeshin area) ownership by percentage
Management form The building site is owned jointly according to the shared ownership percentage of the exclusively-owned area, while the ownership of the building is based on individual condominium unit.
Completion March 2011 early
Moving in March 2011 mid
Seller Nissei Advance
Design/Supervision (日本) 翔設計工房一級建築士事務所
Execution Sugimoto builders
Management company Global community Inc.
Access to drawing and specification Advance kyoto-Gosyo-Kita Grouv