ESTATEEstate List

Advance Kyoto-Karasuma Grouv

Subway Karasuma Line "Shijo" station walk 6 minutes, Hankyu Kyoto Line "Karasuma" station / "Kawaramachi" station walk 8 minutes

Name Advance Kyoto-Karasuma Grouv
Location (日本) 京都市下京区柳馬場通仏光寺下る万里小路町179番3(住居表示)
Transportation Subway Karasuma Line "Shijo" station walk 6 minutes, Hankyu Kyoto Line "Karasuma" station / "Kawaramachi" station walk 8 minutes
Area/District (日本) 商業地域/準防火地域/駐車場整備地区/職住共存地区/旧市街地型美観地区
The Classification of land Residential land
The building-to-house ratio 80%
Floor area ratio 400%
Lot area 290.87m²
Building area 201.96m²
Building gross floor area 924.38m²
Structure/Scale Reinforced concrete construction, 5 floors from the ground
Total units 28Units
Selling units 28Units
Building certification number No. BVJ-S09-11-0176 (September 25, 2009)
Driveway burden None
Layout 1K/1DK
Dwelling footprint 25.34m2~32.76m2
Balcony area 2.20m2~2.88m2
Motor cycle storage 1
Bicycle storage 22
Right form after selling lots Proprietary parts: classification ownership, common areas: share of classification floor area of proprietary part of the owner all (Kabeshin area) ownership by percentage
Management form The building site is owned jointly according to the shared ownership percentage of the exclusively-owned area, while the ownership of the building is based on individual condominium unit.
Completion March 2010
Seller Nissei Advance
Design/Supervision Easier comprehensive plan
Execution Taniguchikensetsukogyo
Management company Global community Inc. / Advanced Management Inc.
Access to drawing and specification Advance Kyoto-Karasuma Grouv